ZEN,意为禅;禅,基于“静”,超然平淡,回归本真。 Zen, based on "quiet" , is aloof and insipid, a return to the original.在尘喧之间寻觅一方净土,众人以远离跳脱凡间纷扰,大隐隐于市之人,身在繁华,心归质朴。至今日,东西方融合设计的基调,依旧是文化差异带来的困惑与迷茫。稳重、质感、含蓄、低调的张扬,设计师们汲灵感于中式禅意文化,融入东方低调内涵,西式时尚思想贯穿其中,营造非常规空间意境,挑起内外戏剧性的碰撞。没有张扬的颜色辅助,唯有弧形点缀,直击冷硬的墙体,大片挥洒的波纹墙面,予厚重墙体一丝低调质感。灰色笼罩的基底,石材被粗犷地嵌入墙面,光影折射下,石头“撞击”地面,一石激起千层浪,暗流涌动,整个空间泛起层层涟漪,抬头即见多种空间变化。随意摇晃的酒杯,液体与玻璃碰撞掀起细微波澜,西方鸡尾酒寓意融合,现代中国人却深谙酒的社交本质,空间转换,以酒为媒,东西文化勾勒出完美的和谐质感。Seeking a pure land among the dust and clamor, the people to far away from the worldly troubles, great hidden in the city of people, the body in prosperity, the heart of simplicity. Up to now, the keynote of the east-west fusion design is still the confusion and confusion caused by the cultural difference. The designers draw inspiration from the Chinese zen culture, blend in the oriental connotation of low-key, Western fashion ideas run through it, create unconventional space artistic conception, stir up internal and external dramatic collision. There is no overt color auxiliary, only the arc-shaped embellishment, hit the cold hard wall, a large area of rippled wall, to the thick wall a sense of low-key. Grey enveloping the base, stone was roughly embedded in the wall, light and shadow refraction, stone "impact" the ground, a stone aroused a thousand layers of waves, undercurrent surging, the whole space ripples, see a variety of space change. The fluttering of wine glasses, the collision of liquid and glass, the fusion of Western cocktail, but modern Chinese understand the social nature of wine, space conversion, wine as a medium, east and west culture to outline the perfect sense of harmony.项目名称 / 融变项目类型 / 商业空间项目面积 / 260 ㎡项目地点 / 江苏南京室内设计 / 马蹄莲空间设计合作方式 / 全程托管